Monday, April 27, 2020

Luigi Pierpaoli. Andrea Doria Survivor Dies of Coranavirus-- Part 2

Mr. Pierpaoli was jolted awake by the sound of the crash.  It was dark, and he was wearing just his undergarments, but was able to scramble out of bed to help other passengers  get into the lifeboats.

The wreck was 45 miles south of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts and is considered one of our nation's most dramatic maritime events since the sinking of the Titanic in 1912.

His older brother, Rino, was waiting for him when a rescue ship brought him to the harbor.  All his luggage was lost.

Meanwhile, back in Italy, his wife didn't know what had happened to him and lived through some terrifying time before finding out he was alright.  Fortunately, the Andrea Doria was near port when it happened.  Had it been further out to sea it could have been much worse.

Luigi sent for his wife and two young children in May 1958.  They arrived by ship at New York and took a train to Chicago.

Lived In Two Historic Events.

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