Thursday, February 20, 2020

Catching Cooties-- Part 2: The Bane of the Playground and Your Vaccination

"Help, I've Been Touched By A Girrrrlll!!!"  EEEWWWWWWwwwwww!!!

Shrieking games of cooties tag spread the contagion rapidly.  It can be treated with an origami "cootie catcher," but it is better to be vaccinated.  This requires a friend and a retractable pen.  Your friend clicks the pen into your arm while chanting "circle, circle, dot,dot, now you have your cootie shot."

There were variations of what is said in different areas.

I seem to remember that you got rid of cooties by touching someone else, a buddy perhaps.

Of course, if you saw someone rapidly approaching and you thought they might have cooties, it is best to flee for your life.  Better to flee and not need that vaccination.

Everyone Knows Girls Have Da Cooties.  --Cootie

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