Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 1917, World War I, 100 Years Ago

From the April 2017 VFW Magazine "World War I Combat Chronology 1917-1918"  compiled by Richard C. Kolb.

During the course of the anniversary months of the U.S. involvement in World War I, I will begin each month with some events that took pl;ace that month 100 years ago.

I already wrote about the first two in earlier posts.


APRIL 1--  First U.S serviceman to die in the war.  Navy Armed Guard Chief Boatswain's Mate John Eopolucci perishes in a lifeboat after the steamer Aztec is torpedoed off France.

APRIL 6--  U.S. declares war on Germany.

APRIL 7--  First U.S. shot of WWI:  A Marine aboard the USS Supply fires across the bow of a German motorboat from the Comoran in Apia Harbor, Guam.

APRIL 28--  First U.S. Navy KIAs:  Five sailors of the Armed Guard are killed when the oil carrier Vacuum is sunk by a German sub off Scotland.


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