Sunday, January 1, 2017

Marking the 11th Anniversary of This Blog

This is the 4417th post of this blog which I began in late 2007.  It grew out of my Down Da Road I Go blog when I noticed that so many posts there were about the thing in my life that really motivates me and that is ANYTHING HISTORY.

I have been interested in history ever since my dad took me to Fort Fisher, North Carolina, and had to explain to me why we weren't on the North's side in the war since we lived in North Carolina and North America, which I had learned as a member of the second grade class in Raleigh.

That launched me on what became my employment for 33 years as a social studies teacher, and, of course, all seven of these blogs.

Got To get a Life.  --Cooter  (Cooter because that is not a real serious history thing.  I took the name from that guy on the "Dukes of Hazzard.")

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