Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Sears Home Legacy-- Part 2: 750 Pounds of Nails

Homebuyers could select from 447 models.  Options included reversing floor plans, swapping wooden siding for brick, adding storm doors and windows, the addition of screen doors and asphalt shingles and the color of cabinetry hardware.

Entire homes from pre-cut lumber to carved staircases, down to nails and varnish--  would be delivered by rail.  Each kit contained 10,000 to 30,000 pieces of house-- the framing materials numbered to ease construction.

The Chelsea model, for example, came with 750 pounds of nails, 22 gallons of paint and varnish and 20,000 shingles.  There were also extensive instructions.

My brother lives in Goldsboro, N.C., in a Sears home.


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