Friday, June 12, 2015

24 Sites Added to NRHP in Illinois-- Part 2: WWII Housing


  WILLIAM AND HELEN COFFEEN HOUSE,  Hinsdale:  The house and coach house were designed by master architect George Maher in 1899 and represent a pivotal period in the evolution of his Prairie School design.


JOHN ROBERTSON JR. HOUSE, Barrington:  An example of classical revival architecture whose basic form is a foursquare with extensive classical detailing, including fluted Corinthian columns and Palladian windows.

CHRYSLER VILLAGE,  Chicago:  Exemplifies the partnership between private developers and the federal government to house war industries workers during World War II.  The area was named for the nearby Dodge-Chrysler plant which produced engines for the B-29 Superfortress bombers.

Old Houses.  --Cooter

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