Monday, April 20, 2015

10 Things We Owe to Black Death

From the Jan. 28, 2015, Listverse by Larry Jiminez.

In the 1340s, it killed an estimated 75-200 million people. To humans, it definitely seemed like the end of times.  Even with as horrible as it was, there were some good things that grew out of it according to the list.

I'm just listing.  For pictures and details, go to the site.

10.. Healthier People
9.  Perfume Industry
8.  Hospitals

7.  Sex Comedies
6.  More Functional Homes (The lack of skilled artisans led to simpler building design.)
5.  Predominance of English
4.  End of Feudalism

3.  The Middle Class
2.  Freedom of Thought
1.  Humanism

Some interesting things in this list.


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