Friday, November 7, 2014

It's a Time Thing-- Part 1: How Do You Stack Up?

From the Oct. 12, 2014, Parade Magazine "Picks: How Does Your Daily Routine Compare to the Average Americans?

6 a.m.: Americans' typical weekday wakeup time.  (Back when i was working, it was 5:45 a.m..)

12--  The average lunchtime.  (At school, I usually had first lunch at 11 a.m.)

10 a.m.--  Typical bedtime  (Mine was 11 p.m.)

107--  Number of minutes spent on daily chores.

44--  Number of minutes spent shopping every day.

7 p.m.--  When most Americans are socializing with friends.

8 to 9 p.m.--  When a third of Americans watch TV.

TWICE--  Amount of time men spend on sports and exercise compared to women.

How'd You Compare?  --DaCoot

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