Thursday, May 22, 2014

McHenry County Old Courthouse-- Part 1

From Wikipedia.

There was a prominent picture of the cupola of the Old McHenry County Courthouse in the May 13, 2014, Northwest Herald under the headline "Restoration work continues" showing a man working amid the scaffolding surrounding it.

The caption under it reads "Renovations continue Tuesday at the Old Courthouse in downtown Woodstock.  Workers for Renaissance Restoration are installing copper on the roof of the dome.  City officials continue to talk with potential developers about the historic property."

There is also work being done on the front steps as well as a lot of the back of the building which I noticed when I drove by it.  It is located right on the historic Woodstock Square.

Right now, the building is vacant, but the town is looking to get someone in it to set up business and keep up with repairs.

A scene from "Planes, trains and Automobiles was filmed on the front steps of the structure.

Hoping They Do.  --Cooter

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