Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wilmington, NC, Celebrates 275th Anniversary

From the Feb. 20, 2014, Port City Daily "275 years: Wilmington marks big birthday, lots of history" by Ben Brown. //// The city marked February 20th as its official 275th birthday. On that date, Col. William Bartram filed a bill with the North Carolina General Assembly (while still a colony of England) to establish the city. //// It was signed into law by Royal Governor Gabriel Johnston five days later. Johnston named the city after his patron, Spencer Compton, the Earl of Wilmington. //// The city also had had the names Watson, New Town and New Carghage before this date. //// The Mitchell-Anderson House at 102 Orange Street dates to back then, 1732. //// Some other Wilmington dates: 1663: William Hilton and company entered the Cape Fear River. 1748: Spanish ships came into the Cape Fear River and invaded Brunswick Town. 1754: Jeremy Vail's city plan was accepted and still in use today. //// Mighty Old City. --Cooter

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