Thursday, June 20, 2013

Calling Dr. Bombay: Actor Bernard Fox

From the April 7-13 American Profile Magazine "Ask American Profile."

A reader wrote in asking, "What is up with Bernard Fox of Hogan's Heroes, Bewitched and Titanic fame?"

I didn't recognize the name, but sure did spot him in the photograph accompanying the answer.  None other than my favorite "Bewitched" character, Dr. Bombay (well, other than Abner and Gladys across the street).   "ABNER!!!!!"   "What now, Gladys???"

That poor guy was always interruped while doing something exotic and would be twitched into Samanath's home to solve some sort of a witch problem.  Poor guy never got much relaxation or fun.

"After making 30 films between 1956 and 2004, Fox, 85, who lives in Los Angeles, retired from show business.  The native of Wales (hence the accent) was featured in two films about the night the Titanic went down: He delivered the line "Iceberg dead ahead, sir!" (from the crows nest) in "A Night to Remember" (1958) and played Col. Archibald Gracie IV in "Titanic" (1997).

He's best-known for his TV roles as Malcom Merriweather on "The Andy Griffith Show, Dr. Bombay on "Bewitched" and British Col. Crittendon on "Hogan's Heroes."  Also, there were several appearances on "The Dick Van Dyke Show."

I especially liked the role he played as the retired and somewhat senile British Air Force officer on the "The Mummy."  Well, until he went down with his plane into the sand.

Quite the Character.  --Cooter

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