Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Chicago Going for the Obama Presidential Library and Museum

From the December 25, 2012, Chicago Tribune "Getting an early read on Obama library sites" by Dahleen Glanton.

One possible site mentioned in Chicago would be where the old Michael Reese Hospital once stood, now an overgrown 37-acre of land in historic Bronzeville, hub of black culture in the city.  Supporters would like to see Obama's library and museum there.  The "area tells the story of Chess records, gospel music, blues and jazz electrified by Willie Dixon, Buddy Guy and Muddy Waters," said Harold Lucas, president of the Black Metropolis Convention and Tourism Council in Bronzeville.  This area was also the birthplace of Obama's political career.

The president has not commented on location, however. Every president since Herbert Hoover has built their library in their home state.  For Obama, that would be either Illinois or Hawaii where he was born.

Of course, wherever it is built, it brings prestige and economic vitality.  There is money to be made.

I'm Hoping for Chicago, of Course.  --Cooter

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