Sunday, April 15, 2012

The 100th Anniversary of the Titanic's Sinking: Events Around the World-- Part 1

From the April 14th AP "Events around the world mark Titanic centenary" by Jill Lawless and Lefteris Pitarakis.

There are 1309 passengers on the cruise liner Balmoral who are spending this past week retracing that final voyage of the RMS Titanic. The ship struck the iceberg at 10:40 PM April 14th and sank less than three hours later in the early morning hours of April 15th.

Two ceremonies were held earlier today on the Balmoral: one when the Titanic hit the iceberg and the other when it went beneath the waves at 2;20 AM. A minister led a prayer, floral wreaths were thrown into the sea and a shipboard band played "Nearer My God to Thee," the final song played by the Titanic's band as the ship sank.

Derek Chambers of Belfast, Northern Ireland, is on the cruise on his honeymoon. His great grandfather, a carpenter, helped build the Titanic. He has a tattoo on one forearm of the Titanic and a tattoo on the other of Captain Edward Smith. I have to wonder if his new bride finds this romantic?

More to Come. --DaCoot

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