Monday, January 10, 2011

Dead Page: Rock and Roll Musicians Who Died in 2010-- Part 2

MIKE EDWARDS-- the original cellist for Electric Light Orchestra. Killed in a freak accident when a giant bale of hay rolled out of a field, down a slope and onto the van Edwards was driving on the highway. He was killed instantly. Bob Stroud played "Showdown" and "Strange Magic."

ALEX CHILTON-- Leaf vocalist of the Memphis Band Box Tops died of a heart attack at age 59. After the Box Tops, he went on to co-found Big Star in the early 70s. Not a commercial success, but had a hard corps cult following and became critics' darlings and were the inspiration for many alternative bands, including REM. Stroud played "The Letter" by the Box Tops and "September Girls" by Big Star.

JIMMY ROGERS-- A personal friend and hometown hero of Bob Stroud. Lead vocalist with the 1960s Chicago band Mauds lost his life to cancer. The Mauds were from Chicago's North Shore and made their mark emulating their R&B heroes. They had two charted hits in Chicago, both making their CD debuts on the Rock and Roll Roots CD series. Stroud played 1967's hit "Hold On, I'm Coming" a cover of Sam and Dave and 1968's "Soul Drippin'." The horn section and keyboard on "Soul Drippin'" was from an as-yet unsigned band in town calling themselves Big Thing who later changed their name to Chicago.

Still More to Come. --DaCoot

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