Friday, October 2, 2009

Mobsters Come to Fox Lake-- Part 2

Mobsters in Fox Lake, Illinois? Who'd have figured?

Of course, back then, it was Prohibition and America wanted to drink, especially folks out at the resorts and hotels in the Chain of Lakes area. At one time, I've heard that Fox Lake had the highest number of bars and taverns per capita in the US. In 1933, Prohibition was repealed. The following year, there were 34 liquor licenses in Fox Lake. By 1945, the number was up to 57 and maintained at 55 during the 1980s.

This was a prime area for bootleggers and mobsters.

The May 31, 1933, shooting at the Manning Hotel has been called the Fox Lake Massacre and have never been solved. It is possible that they were in retaliation for the St. Valentine's Day Massacre or part of a turf war.

George "Bugs" Moran supplied booze to Lake County. Three members of the Druggan gang from Chicago were killed and two others were wounded. One of the wounded was Ann Ponic. Her home on North Lake Avenue was frequented by Druggan and his crew. She was upstairs in the powder room when the firing began and was struck in the pelvis.

This was the end of gang activity in Lake County.

The newsletter had the date at 1933. The Fox Lake site had it in 1930. I don't know which one is right.

Anyway, you can not go by this building without someone saying there are still machine gun bullet marks on the interior walls of the structure.

Alright, Wise Guy, See.... --Cooter

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